Lower Blepharoplasty*


All inclusive. No more to pay.

All consultation fees are $250 and reimbursed if you go ahead with blepharoplasty surgery with us.



Lower Eyelid (Blepharoplasty) Surgery in Sydney – Dr Peter Kim

If you are seeking a professional and affordable clinic for the removal of your eyebags, you have come to the right place.

We are a dedicated blepharoplasty clinic specializing in eyebag removal surgeries.

As individuals age, the skin around the eyes becomes lax and soft. The fat pads under the eyes may grow, leading to the development of ‘bags.’

These sagging and puffy lower eyelids contribute to an older and tired appearance.

This is particularly distressing for younger individuals as it makes them appear older than their age.

Lower eyebag removal procedure can effectively remove the eyebags and reverse these signs of aging. Our fees are $4,450. No extra cost.

 Let us show you our results.

Many young people feel self-conscious about under-eye bags because they make them look older and more tired than they really are. Removing them can bring simple happiness and a boost in confidence, helping them feel refreshed and more like themselves.


Photos were taken before and one week after the surgery. There is usually a downtime of 10 days, with bruising mostly resolving around that time. Our laser-assisted technique is minimally invasive and results in less downtime.
Lower blepharoplasty – scarless technique.
This lady had eyebags making her look older than she was. She had lower blepharoplasty. It is a scar-less way of removing the fat. The downtime is one week. This photo was taken one week after the lower blepharoplasty with Dr Peter Kim under local anaesthesia.

A charming restaurant owner visiting from Japan opted for a holiday combined with lower blepharoplasty. The procedure involved the removal of bulging fats using “internal” blepharoplasty. Although some swelling persists in the lower eyelids one week post-surgery, the noticeable fat bulges have vanished, leaving her appearing less fatigued.
This gentleman, who maintains an impressively lean physique through rigorous daily body training, expressed frustration with his inability to eliminate fat from his lower eyelids despite his efforts. Opting for lower blepharoplasty, he successfully had the excess fat removed. He is delighted with the outcome as it has effectively addressed his lower eye bag concerns.
The eyebags in the lower eyelids were removed under local anaesthesia. $4,450
This photo was taken immediately after the lower blepharoplasty eyebag surgery. $4,450.



Lower Blepharoplasty - The Options

There are two types of lower blepharoplasty: the external approach and the internal approach.

The internal approach, also known as ‘transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty,’ is the preferred option for removing eye bags as it avoids leaving any visible scars.

The following diagram illustrates the three fat pads in the lower eyelid. An individual may have one or more of these fat pads enlarged, which may necessitate removal.

The followoing idagnoam illustrates the location of the fat pad in cross section. The fat can be removed by external appraoch (through the skin) or by internal approach (from conjuntiva).

The external approach, or “transcutaneous lower blepharoplasty,” is the preferred option if you wish to address both eye bags and excess skin. However, this approach comes with the drawback of potential scarring and ectropion.

On the other hand, we advocate for the internal approach, or “transconjunctival lower blepharoplasty,” as it does not leave a scar, and there is no risk of ectropion.

Lower Blepharoplasty - Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty

It is mandatory requirement of two preoperative consultations and 1 week of cooling off period. You will need to get a GP referral to see Dr Kim. Body Dysmorphic Disorder will be assessed during the first consultation.

The procedure involves the following:

  1. Dr Kim will identify the fat pads to be removed.
  2. Local anaesthetic injection.
  3. Transconjunctival incision.
  4. Identify the fat pockets.
  5. Remove prolapsed fat in small increments until the bags are gone.
  6. Insert dissolving stitches.
  7. The process generally takes 45- 60 minutes.
  8. You will need to return in one week for a follow up
  9. You will need to return in 6 weeks for a final check.
Post Operative Recovery

There is a significant difference in the way individuals recover after the surgery.

The downtime after lower eye bag surgery is typically 1-2 weeks, and most patients choose to take 2 weeks off work.

We advise you to avoid heavy exercises, bending over, and situations where you need to exert yourself for 3-4 weeks.



There are a number of complications that are generally associated with all surgeries, and some specific to upper blepharoplasty. Most complications are temporary and heal spontaneously.

Some of the things that could go wrong are:

  • scarring is hidden in the conjunctiva (no externally visible scar).
  • pain (usually paracetamol is sufficient),
  • prolonged swelling lasting for few weeks up to 3 months.
  • bleeding after discharge (need to return to the clinic to stop the bleed),
  • assymetry (10% normal) requiring correction,
  • blurred vision (usually few days due to swelling),
  • dry eyes (need some lubricating eyedrops),
  • over and under correction (careful planning to avoid this),
  • not meeting patient’s expectations,  
  • infection (we routinely give antibiotics),
  • allergic reaction,
  • red eyes and chemosis (usually resolvet after 1-2 weeks, may need eyedrops),
  • death and blindeness. We are not aware of any cases of blindness and death from blepharoplasties performed under local anaesthesia in Australia.

As per Good Medical Practice Guideline, we would like to notify you that:

  • Any surgical, invasive, nonsurgical, or laser procedure carries risks.

  • Complications do and can occur.

  • Previous success is not a promissory indication of future success.

  • Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

  • All before and after photos on this site are Dr Peter Kim’s work.

  • Copyrights reserved by Dr Peter Kim.

The next step

The cost for lower blepharoplasty (internal) is $4.450, and for lower blepharoplasty (external), it is $6,000.

The consultation fee is $250, and you will receive approximately an $80 Medicare rebate. If you do proceed with the surgery with Dr. Kim, the consultation fee will be refunded.

General information about blepharoplasty can be found on this webpage. Our doctor will provide specific advice during the consultation after reviewing your case. This is why the consultation is important.

If you have any questions or concerns about lower eyelid surgery, please feel free to contact us. Dr. Kim has helped hundreds of patients achieve their desired results. We would be happy to discuss the procedure with you in more detail and answer any questions you may have. To book an appointment, call 9411 4880.

From July 1.
Mandatory two consultations are required before the surgery, a cooling off period, Body Dysmorphic Disorder Assessment and a referral from your GP.

 For your convenience, Dr Kim consults at Chatswood, Eastwood and Cabramatta.

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